Next.js (13.0.0+)

Installing Tria SDK on Next.js (13.0.0+).

1. Create a .npmrc and add the following token:



2. Add token to the meta tag in index.html at the root level of your app (Local):

Meta tag in index.html


2.1 Add the token to your web app on a custom domain.

Registering the token

3. Inside next.config.js:


const nextConfig = {
      experimental: {
        esmExternals: "loose",

4. Inside _app.js (in case Next JS App Directory is disabled):


import { useTriaConnector } from "@tria-sdk/connect";

const { globalData } = useTriaConnector({ authUrl: "", walletUrl:"" });

5. Inside page.js (in case Next JS App Directory is enabled):


import { useTriaConnector } from "@tria-sdk/connect";

const { globalData } = useTriaConnector({ authUrl: "", walletUrl:"" });

6. Inside your login component :

Login component

"use client"; //add this to the top of your login component

const Application = dynamic(
    () => import("@tria-sdk/authenticate"),
    { ssr: false }

import "@tria-sdk/authenticate/dist/index.css"

7. In your login component, add this inside return :

Return logic, inside of the login component

	  logo="your_logo" //example: "https://fusion_x.logo.svg"
	  dappName="your_dapp_name" //example: "Fusion X"
	  primaryColor="your_dapp_primary_color" //example: "#FFFFFF"
	  defaultChain="your_desired_default_chain" //example: "FUSE"
	  supportedChains={["chain1", "chain2"]} //example: {["POLYGON", "MUMBAI"]}
	  uiType="yes" // for external wallets 	
	  darkMode = {true} //for enabling dark mode
          buttonPosition={x:200, y:200} //for draggable wallet

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