
The @tria-sdk/connect module handles core wallet functionalities such as sending transactions, signing messages, data encryption, contract reading and writing.


This class provides a centralized interface for interacting with external chain functions and configurations.

Create an instance

import { TriaProvider } from "@tria-sdk/connect";

export const triaProvider = new TriaProvider({
  authUrl: "https://auth.tria.so",
  environment: "mainnet",
  aa: {
    supportAa: true,
    pimlicoApiKey: <API_KEY>,
    accountType: "Kernel",
    isSponsored: true,
    sponsorshipPolicyIds: {
      FUSE: "sp_cheerful_thing",
      POLYGON: "sp_slim_namor",
} as TriaProviderParams);
export type TriaProviderParams = {
  authUrl?: string;
  dappDomain?: string;
  dappLogo?: string;
  aa?: AaDetails;
  environment?: ENV;
export type AaDetails = {
  supportAa: boolean;
  pimlicoApiKey?: string;
  isSponsored?: boolean;
  accountType?: AaAccountType;
  sponsorshipPolicyId?: string;
  sponsorshipPolicyIds?: ChainNameToPolicyId; // {FUSE: "sp_fuse_id", POLYGON: "sp_poly_id"}

export type AaAccountType = "Simple" | "Kernel" | "Safe" | "Biconomy";


const { success, data: signature, message: errorMsg } = await triaProvider.signMessage({
    message: "Sign in with Tria",
    chainName: "FUSE",


Wallet actions like signing, reading/writing data, and encryption.

Get Account


const account = getAccount();

export type Account = {
  triaName: string | null;
  evm: {
    address: string;



await disconnect();

Sign Message

  calldata: SignMessageParams,
  dappDetails?: dappDetails,
  authUrl: string = triaAuthUrl,
  environment: ENV = 'mainnet'
): Promise<StringDataResponse>;

type SignMessageParams = {
  message: string; // eg. Sign in with Tria
  chainName: string; // eg. POLYGON

type dappDetails = {
  dappDomain?: string;
  dappLogo?: string;

export type StringDataResponse = {
  success: boolean;
  data?: string;
  message?: string;
  error?: any;
};' }}



  calldata: SendParams,
  dappDetails?: dappDetails,
  authUrl: string = triaAuthUrl,
  environment: ENV = 'mainnet'
): Promise<TxnResponse>

type SendParams = {
  amount: number;
  recepientAddress: string;
  chainName: string;
  tokenAddress?: string;

export type dappDetails = {
  dappDomain?: string;
  dappLogo?: string;

type TxnResponse {
  success: boolean;
  data?: TxnDataResponse;
  message?: string;
  error?: any;

type TxnDataResponse = {
  txnId: string;
  viewInExplorer: string;
  wait?: Function;

Read Contract


  params: ReadContractParams
): Promise<ReadContractResponse>

type ReadContractParams = {
  chainName: string;
  contractDetails: ContractDetails;

type ContractDetails = {
  contractAddress: string;
  abi: Object[];
  functionName: string;
  args: any[];
  value?: number;

type ReadContractResponse = {
  success: boolean;
  data?: any;
  message?: string;
  error?: any;

Write Contract


  calldata: WriteContractParams,
  dappDetails?: dappDetails,
  authUrl: string = triaAuthUrl,
  environment: ENV = 'mainnet'
): Promise<TxnResponse>

type WriteContractParams = {
  chainName: string;
  payToken?: {
    tokenAddress: string;
    amount: number;
  contractDetails: ContractDetails;

type ContractDetails = {
  contractAddress: string;
  abi: Object[];
  functionName: string;
  args: any[];
  value?: number;
  enableTriaName?: boolean; // true if wanna pass triaName in args[]

export type dappDetails = {
  dappDomain?: string;
  dappLogo?: string;

type TxnResponse {
  success: boolean;
  data?: TxnDataResponse;
  message?: string;
  error?: any;

type TxnDataResponse = {
  txnId: string;
  viewInExplorer: string;
  wait?: Function;

Send NFT


  calldata: SendNftParams,
  dappDetails?: dappDetails,
  authUrl: string = triaAuthUrl,
  environment: ENV = 'mainnet'
): Promise<TxnResponse>;

type SendNftParams = {
  chainName: string;
  recipientTriaName: string;
  nftDetails: {
    type: string;
    tokenAddress: string;
    tokenId: string;
    amount: number;

type dappDetails = {
  dappDomain?: string;
  dappLogo?: string;

type TxnResponse {
  success: boolean;
  data?: TxnDataResponse;
  message?: string;
  error?: any;

type TxnDataResponse = {
  txnId: string;
  viewInExplorer: string;
  wait?: Function;



  calldata: EncryptParams,
  dappDetails?: dappDetails,
  authUrl: string = triaAuthUrl,
  environment: ENV = 'mainnet'
): Promise<StringDataResponse>

type EncryptParams = {
  chainName: string;
  data: string;
  version?: string | 'x25519-xsalsa20-poly1305';

type dappDetails = {
  dappDomain?: string;
  dappLogo?: string;

type StringDataResponse = {
  success: boolean;
  data?: string;
  message?: string;
  error?: any;



  calldata: DecryptParams,
  dappDetails?: dappDetails,
  authUrl: string = triaAuthUrl,
  environment: ENV = 'mainnet'
): Promise<StringDataResponse>

type DecryptParams = {
  chainName: string;
  encryptedData: string;

type dappDetails = {
  dappDomain?: string;
  dappLogo?: string;

type StringDataResponse = {
  success: boolean;
  data?: string;
  message?: string;
  error?: any;


Using hooks to perform the above wallet actions like signing, reading/writing data, and encryption.

import * from @tria-sdk/connect;
const { globalData } = useTriaConnector({ walletUrl: "https://wallet.tria.so" });
type globalDataType {
    eventType : Object 
const { account } = useAccount();
export type Account = {
  triaName: string | null;
  evm: {
    address: string;

export type useAccountResponse = {
  account: Account | null;
  1. Pass this to the wallet SDK as selectedChainName
const { chainName } = useChainName();

type useChainResponse = {
  chainName: string | null;
  1. Provide the message and chainName as parameters to the useSignMessage hook.
  2. Execute the signing process by invoking the signMessage function.
  3. Upon completion, you will receive the signature in the returned data.
import { useSignMessage } from "@tria-sdk/connect";

const { 
  data, // signature
} = useSignMessage(
  calldata: SignMessageParams,
  dappDetails?: dappDetails,
  authUrl: string = 'https://auth.tria.so',
  environment: ENV = 'mainnet'

type SignMessageParams = {
  message: string;
  chainName: string;

type useSignMessageResponse = {
  data: string | null;
  isLoading: boolean;
  isError: boolean;
  isSuccess: boolean;
  signMessage: () => Promise<boolean>;
<button onClick={signMessage}>Sign Message</button>
  1. Supply the amount, recipient address or tria name, chain name, and token address as parameters to the useSendTransaction hook.
  2. Execute the desired transaction by invoking the sendTransaction function.
  3. Upon completion, you will receive the transaction hash (txHash) and a link to view the transaction on the explorer (viewOnExplorer) in the returned data.
import { useSendTransaction } from "@tria-sdk/connect";

  calldata: SendParams,
  dappDetails?: dappDetails,
  authUrl: string = 'https://auth.tria.so',
  environment: ENV = 'mainnet'
): useSendTxnResponse;

type SendParams = {
  amount: number;
  recepientAddress: string;
  chainName: string;
  tokenAddress?: string;

type useSendTxnResponse = {
  data: TxnDataResponse | null;
  isLoading: boolean;
  isError: boolean;
  isSuccess: boolean;
  sendTransaction: Function;

type TxnDataResponse = {
  txnId: string;
  viewInExplorer: string;
  wait?: Function;

<button onClick={() => sendTransaction()}>send Transaction</button>


	amount: 1, // 1 Matic
	recipientAddress: "lladawn825@tria",
	chainName: "POLYGON",
	tokenAddress: null // null when sending native token

	amount: 1.5, // 1.5 USDC
	recipientAddress: "lladawn825@tria",
	chainName: "POLYGON",
	tokenAddress: "0x2791Bca1f2de4661ED88A30C99A7a9449Aa84174" // ERC20 token address
  calldata: SendNftParams,
  dappDetails?: dappDetails,
  authUrl: string = 'https://auth.tria.so',
  environment: ENV = 'mainnet'
): useSendNftResponse;

type SendNftParams = {
  chainName: string;
  recipientTriaName: string;
  nftDetails: {
    type: string;
    tokenAddress: string;
    tokenId: string;
    amount: number;

type useSendNftResponse = {
  data: TxnDataResponse | null;
  isLoading: boolean;
  isError: boolean;
  isSuccess: boolean;
  sendNft: Function;

type TxnDataResponse = {
  txnId: string;
  viewInExplorer: string;
  wait?: Function;
  1. Send the chainName and contractDetails
  2. Get the response in data field as expected from contract
    params: ReadContractParams
): useContractReadResponse;

type ReadContractParams = {
  chainName: string;
  contractDetails: ContractDetails;

type ContractDetails {
    contractAddress: string;
    abi: Object[];
    functionName: string;
    args: any[];
    value?: number; // not needed in read

type useContractReadResponse = {
  data: any;
  isLoading: boolean;
  isError: boolean;
  isSuccess: boolean;

Example use case:

  • parse this data suppose fetching price of NFT before minting
  • parse wei to ether to send as value in contractDetails in useContractWrite
// Get Mint price before calling Mint

const chainName = "POLYGON";
const contractDetails = {
      contractAddress: '0x5927Aa58fb36691A4be262c63955b47b67c6e641',
      abi: [
          inputs: [
            { internalType: 'uint256', name: 'id', type: 'uint256' },
            { internalType: 'uint256', name: 'amount', type: 'uint256' },
          name: 'getItemsNativePrice',
          outputs: [{ internalType: 'uint256', name: '', type: 'uint256' }],
          stateMutability: 'view',
          type: 'function',
      functionName: 'getItemsNativePrice',
      args: [1, 1],

const { data, isLoading, isError, isSuccess } = useContractRead({

// data -> is the data returned from contract
const value = ethers.utils.formatEther(data); // pass this to useContractWrite
  1. Provide the chain name, payToken, and contractDetails as arguments to the useContractWrite hook.
  2. Invoke the write function to execute the desired action.
  3. you will get the returned txnHash in the data response.
  calldata: WriteContractParams,
  dappDetails?: dappDetails,
  authUrl: string = 'https://auth.tria.so',
  environment: ENV = 'mainnet'
): useContractWriteResponse;

type WriteContractParams = {
  chainName: string;
  payToken?: {
    tokenAddress: string;
    amount: number;
  contractDetails: ContractDetails;

interface ContractDetails {
    contractAddress: string;
    abi: Object[];
    functionName: string;
    args: any[];
    value?: number;
    enableTriaName?: boolean; // true, if passing triaName in args

type useContractWriteResponse = {
  data: TxnDataResponse | null;
  isLoading: boolean;
  isError: boolean;
  isSuccess: boolean;
  write: Function;

type TxnDataResponse = {
  txnId: string;
  viewInExplorer: string;
  wait?: Function;

<button onClick={() => write()}>Call Contract</button>
  • Examples
example 1:

const chainName = "POLYGON";
const contractDetails = {
		contractAddress: "0xd1fD14e3Cf4f96E63A1561681dc8765DF8f7Cf91",
		abi: [
		    inputs: [
		      { internalType: "uint256", name: "_tokenID", type: "uint256" },
		      { internalType: "address", name: "_claimer", type: "address" },
		    name: "claimCoupon",
		    outputs: [],
		    stateMutability: "nonpayable",
		    type: "function",
		functionName: "claimCoupon",
		args: [1, "0x7Ae1bBCe3557D46313a960C0982637967eF5c1f7"],
		value: 0, // non payable function, or if fees in ERC20

example 2:

const chainName = "POLYGON";
const contractDetails = {
    contractAddress: '0x5927Aa58fb36691A4be262c63955b47b67c6e641',
    abi: [
        inputs: [
          { internalType: 'uint256', name: 'id', type: 'uint256' },
          { internalType: 'uint256', name: 'amount', type: 'uint256' },
        name: 'mint',
        outputs: [],
        stateMutability: 'payable',
        type: 'function',
    functionName: 'mint',
    args: [1, 1],
    value: itemPrice, // eg. 8 // if 8 MATIC // this itemPrice you can fetch from useReadContract as mentioned in it's example
const { switchChain } = useSwitchChain();

swtchChain(chainName: string);

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